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About Us

Simple joy and a great sense of achievement. These are just some of the many wonderful things that Perfect Fit aims to bring to everyone, with an all-time favourite pastime, jigsaw puzzles.
We opened our first outlet in October 2013, to provide a wide assortment of designs for people of all ages who want to try their hands on a jigsaw puzzle, and indulge in the fun and health benefits enjoyed by puzzle enthusiasts all over the world.
Perfect Fit's jigsaw puzzles have been carefully selected for their uniqueness and originality. They come in both classic cardboard artwork, and revolutionary plastic designs, which promise endless possibilities for creativity and imagination. 
Besides having the perfect jigsaw puzzle on your wall, you can also add a little touch of elegance and uniqueness to your home with our expanding range of locally designed and functional 3D puzzles. 
There is something for everyone at Perfect Fit. Come down to our humble and friendly establishment and find that perfect little something that completes your home life.